About Jiriki Seitai and preventive medicine.
This is a collection of frequently asked questions regarding physical conditions, diet method and lifestyle habits. Please take a look before consulting or inquiring.
FAQ List
What is the difference between…QUESTION #01
Q .#01
What is the difference between Jiriki Seitai and stretching?
A. The purpose of stretching is to “stretch the muscles”.
The purpose of Jiriki Seitai is to “release the space between the spine and joints”.
Both may look the same, however the focus of the person practicing Jiriki Seitai is on the joints. Your height decreases when your joints and spine become tight and narrow.
Your height does not increase by stretching, however the height increases after applying the Jiriki Seitai method due to the release of space in the joints.
Is there a suitable time of th…QUESTION #02
Q .#02
Is there a suitable time of the day for Jiriki Seitai?
A.Yes. there is.
Jiriki Seitai is a method of recovering from fatigue. Therefore, warm up your body by taking a bath after work then practice Jiriki Seitai. Afterwards, you can have a meal.
When you apply Jiriki Seitai to your body, your brain goes into sleep mode and you will be able to sleep deeply that day. The time between work and dinner would be perfect.
Should I not do it in the morn…QUESTION #03
Q .#03
Should I not do it in the morning?
A.It is okay if it is short as 5 minutes, but if you do it fully for 90 minutes, your body enters a sleep/resting state.
Morning exercises make you sleepy not only when you practice Jiriki Seitai but also when you are jogging.
Furthermore, if you eat after a full Jiriki Seitai session, the parasympathetic nervous system will be activated and you will not be able to stay awake.
Therefore, after I teach my class I have a light meal and then take a nap. It is ideal if you can afford to do that, but if you do it before you start working, it will make you feel drowsy which could be troublesome.
Can I lose weight by practicin…QUESTION #04
Q .#04
Can I lose weight by practicing Jiriki Seitai?
A.You will definitely lose weight especially when you include a dieting method at the same time as Jiriki Seitai.
There are many practitioners who have lost 10kg or more.
The dieting method is a way of eating which follows the nature of the digestive system in our bodies:
“Mealtime is from noon to 18:00 (there are no restrictions on the number of meals) and the rest is water only”. Please try it once.
I am suffering from a stiff sh…QUESTION #05
Q .#05
I am suffering from a stiff shoulder. Is there anything I need to be aware of other than the practical skill of Jiriki Seitai?
This is the philosophy of Jiriki Seitai:
Stiff shoulders appear because of poor posture which requires your body to compensate to keep the balance. Even if you get massages, the shoulders stay stiff because you have not fixed the cause of the misalignments – the important thing is to fix the alignment.
Review the list below to see if you are causing unnecessary tension in your body:
1.When you stand with your back against the wall, your occipital area is detached from the surface, or you feel tension in your muscles when you try to press it against the wall.
*This is because your head is placed in front of the torso. Your shoulders and neck get tensed by trying to draw the head back towards the torso to keep the balance, which makes your upper back hunched.
2.Sitting for long hours lowers the ribcage and the shoulders gets tense by trying to elevate them.
*When your ribcage lowers it prevents you from breathing easily; your shoulders and neck muscles become stiff.
3.Are you eating before going to bed at night?
* If you eat before bed, the stomach does not rest during sleep and the rib cage lowers due to stomach fatigue.
4.My lower back hurts when I wake up in the morning.
Have you been eating before defecation in the morning?
* Eating before defecation weakens bowel movements as well as the peristaltic movements of the large intestine, which leaves excretion and stool in the intestine.
As a result, the body is twisted, and the entire muscle on one side from the lower back to the upper back, shoulders, and neck is stiffened.
- Are you currently in premenstrual period ?
*One week before menstruation, the pelvis begins to twist, and stiff shoulders start with constipation. It becomes easier when you start your period.
6.Do you get artificial lights, and blue light in your eyes?
The autonomic nerves are particularly disturbed in the evening. Beware of using smartphones at night.
*When you look at blue light for long periods of time, the sympathetic nerves in the autonomic nervous system become activated causing contraction of blood vessels in the entire body and the impairing of blood flow.
When that happens, you will get “sympathicotonia” which will cause physical issues as listed below:
Trouble sleeping, eyes strains, headaches, stiff shoulders, constipation, period issue, excessive appetite.
7.Do you feel uncomfortable at work?
*When you are doing what you want to do with your own rhythm, the parasympathetic nerves system is activated so that you can work without tension and fatigue in your body.
In contrast, sympathetic nerves system is activated if the work does not suit you.
Even if you do the same work, it can be tiring or relaxing depending on how you feel about it.
9.Do you sometimes go out in the field and get a lot of sunlight, stretch your back and breathe in fresh air?
*When you look at green colors, the tension of the sympathetic nervous system loosens.
It is natural for human beings to spend time outside during the daytime and to be at home when it gets dark. The sympathetic nervous system becomes tense as you go against nature.
- Are there any people around you who stimulate your sympathetic nervous system?
*The environment in which the sympathetic nervous system gets activated is when there is “aversion, danger, and noise,” – it is wise to escape or avoid this as much as you can.
11.Is “busy” becoming your habitual saying and your work feels forced and tiring?
* If you are in a hurry, your shoulders can feel tense. Always check-in with yourself to see if you are relaxed because shoulder stiffness is caused by tensing up your body.
Stiff shoulders begin with a habit of creating tension in the muscle. Instead of being controlled by work or the workload pressuring you, try to feel that you are in control of your work.
I am having trouble with lower…QUESTION #06
Q .#06
I am having trouble with lower back pain (backache, sciatica, knee pain). What should I do?
A. In Jiriki Seitai, pain in the lower back and limbs are not considered to be treated in orthopedic surgery. Rather, we think those pains can be treated gastroenterologically.
For some reason, the most common symptoms I had treated was lower back and leg pain. Coincidentally, when I touched the sigmoid colons of their lower left abdomen, most of my patients had stools remaining there.
Due to this fact, more weights are applied onto the left leg; the right part of the pelvis was lifted, the lumbar spine was curved to the left and the sciatic nerve was pressed against the curve which was created from the misalignment.
Most of my patient’s pain in their legs and lower back disappeared after excretion of a large amount of residual stool when I released the compression of their lumbar spines with my technique.
Why are residual stools in the…QUESTION #07
Q .#07
Why are residual stools in the sigmoid colon accumulated?
A.People are divided into those who are born with strong gastrointestinal and those who are born with weak gastrointestinal. The older you get, the weaker it gets.
If a person who has a relatively weak gastrointestinal drinks cold liquids, eats before going to bed at night, or eats before morning stools, the function of the large intestine will become poor and bowel movements will be disturbed. The weight and irritation will distort the alignment of the pelvis.
Pain in the legs and lower back is also known as “defecation nerve & sciatic nerve compression syndrome”. The pain in the legs and lower back are eliminated simultaneously with excretion because the nerve is released from the pressure.
In recent years, many elders have trouble with leg/lower back pain and constipation. This is caused because they eat in the same way as young people do, even though they have a weaker gastrointestinal tract.
If you eat breakfast before defecation in the morning, the energy is used for digestion and less energy is left for excretion.
This means that only the stool near the anus is excreted, and the residual stool in the sigmoid colon in the back accumulates.
Therefore, if you do not eat appropriately for your age, your legs and back may become painful and weak.
This condition should get better if the following three things listed below are focused on to expel residual stool in the sigmoid colon. Indeed, without practicing these three things, it will not get better by only practicing Jiriki Seitai.
- Limit the time when you have your meals to 12 noon to 8 pm and do not make your stomach work in the morning and night.
- Cold drinks that cool the stomach down are prohibited. If possible, drink warm water several times a day to warm up the stomach.
- Choose ingredients that encourage excretion. For example, fermented foods such as seaweed, okara, potatoes, natto and kimchi.
Is it true that older people n…QUESTION #08
Q .#08
Is it true that older people need to take proteins to build muscles as they have less ability to absorb nutrients?
A.Most of the older people who used to come to my clinic because of pain in their legs and lower back are obsessed with the idea that “muscles are weakened without nutrition”.
Without exception, they eat a full breakfast in the morning without defecating beforehand.
The more you eat, the less ability you will have to absorb nutrients and excrete. Therefore, eating less will help to build more muscle. The ability for excretion also develops and the pain in the legs and lower back will begin to disappear.
For these reasons, try to think of ways to eat less rather than more. It is important to be conscious that older people do not have the same internal organs as when they were young.
This is a bitter experience for me, but I had a habit of drinking alcohol until midnight when I was young and I had severe sciatica.
It did not go away even after various treatments, but fasted for about 10 days and this healed me.
The stomach does not move during fasting so the large intestine moves well.
I excrete soft stools every day and every time I have a bowel movement, my leg and lower back pain gets lighter.
I lost 8 kilos in weight which represents the residue from the habit of neglecting my health for many years.
From this experience, I am convinced that the pain in the legs and lower back is due to the weakness of the gastrointestinal tract and residual stool left in the sigmoid colon, which in turn is due to the habit of neglecting my health.
Finally, I would like to mention the symptoms caused by the pressure on the sciatic nerve of the lower back, which does not cause pain in the lower back and the legs.
This is called “hidden sciatica”. Residual stools in the sigmoid colon should be drained to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve in the lumbar spine.
- Cold feet
- Leg cramps
- Varicose veins
- Ingrown toenails
- Sitting pain
- Hallux valgus (bunion)