Announcements, Blog
DATE : 2020.07.27
Online Lunch time Jiriki
I will be hosting (Free) Lunch time Jiriki Seitai from Wework office in Kobe Japan.
I have been collaborating with Wework from last November with a real event and online events.
This Friday, I will be hosting lunch time Jiriki Seitai, which you can practice in your working outfit around your desk at work.
(I will be mostly speaking in Japanese but you’ll get some ideas)
If you have eye strains, shoulder stiffness, lower back pain, and cold feet due to AC, and feel unproductive because of your condition,
Jiriki might be able to help to release those discomforts.
I even bought suits to pretend that I am a business woman.
Let’s connect from your office desk, home desk, or even lunch tables at restaurants (before your meals come)
with your computers and your smart phones.
After Jiriki, you might feel like you are floating like the image.
If you are interested, please go to www.jirikiseitai.jp to apply. ( I need to submit lists of participant’s emails so easier for me to organise that way)
Additionally, I have another online event on the 5th of August. It is a part of Well-being relay at Wework, and I have got the Button
from Tokyo Wework Shibuya scramble square office.
The theme is “Jiriki for deep sleep for the hot summer nights” 8/5 (Wed) 18:30-20:00
If you are interested in that one, use the same contact to apply as well please.
I’ll make another post for that soon.
Look forward to connecting with you Online!