DATE : 2025.03.27
3月26日 水曜 プログラム 春の骨…
DATE : 2023.05.12
Jiriki Seitai is a self-healing body work aimed at improving health and preventing chronic disorders. Unlike typical Seitai (Chiropractic) treatment, it is characterized by self-practice rather than being treated by therapists. It was created in 1989 by Yu Yagami, a Seitai therapist, acupuncturist, and yoga teacher, based on the acupressure and Seitai techniques of Eastern medicine. Yu Yagami has published 26 books related to preventive medicine and Jiriki Seitai in over 20 years, and his daughter Marie also has published a book called “Sugoi (the amazing) Jiriki Seitai” in 2022.
“Totonou” in Japanese has various meanings. In general, this word is defined as “to be prepared; to be in order; to be put in order; to be arranged” This is also often used to expressed the state of the body and the mind. For example, when your body alignment is fixed by the Chiropractor, we say your Skelton alignment has now “TOTONOU”. Additionally, when the emotional state is in peace and balanced, we can also use the term. When you are in this condition the sense is sharpen, the mind clears, the beauty of surrounding world comes in focus, and what normally goes unnoticed can be experienced. TOTONOU JIRIKI workshop can provide the experience and we will also share how to bring this method and the lifestyle in your daily life.
In the workshop, Marie will give a lecture about the fundamental knowledge of Eastern medicine such as meridian lines, acupuncture, and Seitai treatment and how they work on the body, and how those techniques are incorporated into Jiriki Seitai to be able to heal by oneself. In the practice, participants will experiece 90 minutes of Jiriki Seitai with various techniques such as self-shiatsu massage, and self-body adjustment.
Born in Hyogo, Japan. After graduating from high school, Marie moved to the United States in 2003, studied costume design at the Pratt Institute of the Arts, and became an independent designer in New York. During that time, she has overworked, and the busy lifestyle lead her to have various health issues.
Jiriki Seitai, which was devised by her father, Yu Yagami, and has been practiced by 15,000 people has helped her recover from those health issues . Since then, Marie has gained the teaching license of Jiriki Seitai as well as Yoga, and held Jiriki Seitai classes and workshops in Canada, Europe, and Israel. In addition, she graduated from MA Performance Design at Central Saint Martins in the UK. She returned to Japan in 2019 to work with her father. Currently, she is running a program for preventive medicine for women while teaching Jiriki Seitai in Japan and overseas. She has published a book called “Sugoi Jiriki Seitai” (Diamond Publishing) in 2022.